So every woman reading this can happily say that they have always said something negative about guys..
"Oh he's nothing but this..."
"All guys are like that..."

I am so guilty of it, I mean seriously -
"I want every guy to join the army and be killed" LOL
(you can tell this was a nasty day!)

But really, it's not the man who makes the man, it's the woman who makes the man. I'm not just talking about the girlfriend, I'm talking about the upbringing too and I speak for every individual on the earth when I say that. Okay, so let's just simply break it down before I start rambling on..


So, to every woman - there are good guys out there, and there's someone for you, you just gottah find them. We go on about how guys are useless and cheats and what not - we let one guy speak for the whole community and it's not fair, so sorry.

"We kool now G?"

I mean I could literally tell you names of those guys who are genuine and not players.. but even still - we're only young. I mean I still think I'm too young to even mention boys to my mum, let alone be  in a relationship!

So onto the ramble..

They're hard, and it really is a learning process. You can't just put two people together and expect them to not have conflict - we're all human with flaws - and that's what makes us all individually gift wrapped!

You can't ask someone to be like someone else, because that's not them!
Okay, so I was with a guy for a few months, and we spoke first and you know, we was friends and we got on really well and all that jazz, and the relationship seemed to be fine.


Now everybody knows what "The Change" is - it's that moment people get too comfortable with the person they're with and things start slipping out.

So, you know, I wear clothes and style my hair differently because he likes it, and I want to make him happy and make an effort. I mean, there's nothing wrong with that, but it's when things like diets,  telling people what to do, cutting off friends because you don't like them.. - This is what "Grinds My Gears".

So you knew me before we thought about a relationship, you knew I dress a certain way, spoke to certain people and did certain things, and you said you liked me.
What changed?
Why are you trying to change me?

Obviously I understand, there are people out there who are busy and their relationships come last in their lives, and maybe things need to be prioritised, but you know a relationship is hard work.
Do you expect your friends to change? Do you expect them to dress a different way?

And if you do, please apologise to them!

Friendships & Relationships start when you are faced with the same feelings. Once you have that connection, it's hard to break. Sounds cheesy I know.

I have actually rambled on so much about relationships that I have forgot what to write.

Oh yeah, so I'll skip a big part because I cannot remember and go to the topic of men who hit women...
(this was a suggested post by my Sunny <3)

This is up for discussion so feel free to talk to me about it.

See me, I'm all for the biting, scratching... when it comes to, cough cough, THAT (;
But the fine line between kinky and abuse is blurred. Guys talk about how they'd never hit a girl, but come down to it; you ever pushed your sister, hit one of your friends who is a female in a jokey way?
That's a lil' extreme, but seriously look at it that way.

My Dad has always said
"No man should put his hand on a female whether she's in the right or wrong"...

But you know, if I start hitting guys I'm not going to just expect them to stand there. But on the other hand am I just allowing them to hit me?

Wow, this subjects a toughy..

Like, see I know it's wrong and I know most people know this, but what about when girls hit guys? So we're seen as "weaker".. I know some BUTCH females haha.
(Oh the Jeremy Kyle flash back haha)

So, this issue for me isn't resolved, I guess it's something fr you to think about:
When girls hit guys, is it acceptable? And if it is, why is it not okay for guys to swing back as a self defense?


  1. It's not okay for guys to hit gurls because... they will knock a bitch out!
    and also it depends on the context but at the same time y should it be ok for girls to hit guys.
    Also there's a difference between "play fighting" and hitting a girl so hard to the point where there are bruises! :)

    Sunny xxx

  2. No, its not ok to hit a girl (unless its a kick to the nuts.) But again, girls should not try to all out fight a man, i wouldn't fight back but defend aggresively. End of the day the man ends up getting arrested, im trying to keep a clean sheet :D
