"When your from a small area your idea of 'talent' is so tiny in comparison to the big wide world. Making it in LDN, NY, is something else."
Tweeted by @EmpressLacerna
Tweeted by @EmpressLacerna
For Liverpool, it's clearly not the case.
Live Lounge @ Parr Street, Liverpool - 10/01/10
We may not be London, but please, half the acts that come out of London are because of dumb funky tunes - straight up one hit wonders. Music lost its way, but we found it in Liverpool.
Live Lounge @ Parr Street, Liverpool - 10/01/10
We may not be London, but please, half the acts that come out of London are because of dumb funky tunes - straight up one hit wonders. Music lost its way, but we found it in Liverpool.
I have to big up all the acts that played tonight;
Joey Seary
- Talented rapper
Janiece Myers
Janiece Myers
- Voice sweeter than sugar!!
- Talent at it's best
Esco Williams
Esco Williams
- Just unbelieveabley talented, amazing.
Jay Norton
Jay Norton
- This guy has too much talent for his own good
Also, tonight was the lauch of ...
Liverpool's answer to fresh prince...
Nah, just playin'... it was really...
Mesh Culture Magazine
(no 1.5)- so check it out (:
But really, I'm in awe at the talent we have here.
I mean, if you don't believe me, we asked these guys..
"how would you rate the night guys???"
Our groupies say yes, so... so should you (:
Be sure to come to the next one guys, 14th Feb - I'm singing too ;)

Be sure to come to the next one guys, 14th Feb - I'm singing too ;)
Love & Music
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