P.D.A = Cringe

For the record, this is how bored I am...
I am actually still sitting here looking like this.

My topic for today..


And for you all that is Public Display of Affection.

It is a No.
And NO.

P.D.A is showing affection for somebody else whilst in the view of others,
but I think I speak for a lot of people when I say

"I don't want to see two people eating the faces off each other"

I mean obvious, I don't mind watching a girlfriend and boyfriend or whatever hold hands and the odd peck. I can bare that - but when it's like ridiculous.

Bitch please, just walk.

Granted, when you want to get your hands on each other in private, you tend to get familiar in public too.  . The majority of women aren't going to demand a full-on make-out session on the street, but most will want at least:
hand holding
2) a kiss goodbye
Of course, there will be others looking for more than just the basics, wanting you to jump through hoops to show the world exactly who you're with.You know, embarrassing nicknames being brought into public, expectations of constant physical contact and what not.


Grabbing your girl's hand in public, whether to lead her in the right direction or just to feel close to her, is fine in just about any setting. It isn't intimate enough to make the people around you squeamish, but it is intimate enough to let your girlfriend see it as a sign of affection and a declaration of your status as a couple. Proceed at will.

Acceptable, within limits

As a greeting, kissing is most definitely on the “acceptable” list and is fairly standard in most relationships. Obviously, this extends to personal social situations, and can be bypassed in professional arenas. Okay, so e.g it's more than likely that your girlfriend will expect a kiss hello when you meet at your favorite restaurant for dinner, but if she stops by the office to drop off a file you forgot at home, it's well within your rights to skip it. 
To keep kisses acceptable, keep them brief and abstain from continued tongue action throughout the course of an outing. Please!



Heellllllllll to the NO!!

If your man or girl do these..
Here's what you say
"Bitch leave me alone!"

Okay the invasion of space, come on people, we're not 12 anymore. The hand in the back pockets and walking down the street thing - Nuh'uh.
I mean you see it in films and stuff, and even then you're cringing.

Dry sex, rubbing up and down on each other, basically raping each other in public.. There's a time and a place! Like really, I mean why did you leave the house if you can't wait to have sex? Seriously, if you do it, it's just not nice for people to view and I know people come with attitudes like "then don't watch", but really, when you're all up in my face basically licking each others face off, it becomes MY problem.

Would you like to watch it?
I guess I just cringe real easy, 'cos I hate all the P.D.A on the internet - like leaving comments like "Just wanted to remind you that I love you"..

But really,
P.D.A to a minimal (:

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